Saturday, January 26, 2013

Beautiful Life in Death Pt.1

Wow!!! I have had over 100 views on my blog with just my first two posts!! Look at God!!! I pray that each and every person who reads my blog is blessed and that it causes you to reflect on your relationship with Christ. For it is through him that we have life, and have it more abundantly!

This past week has been pretty cool for me. My boyfriend and I decided to not see each other this week and use the time we usually spend together with God. I used a lot of that time in the book I mentioned last week, "Pink Lips and Empty Hearts" by Heather Lindsey and I must say, I already feel the changes in my life. I am earnestly longing to be more like Christ and and to increase my personal ministry. I ask God every day to show me what I need to change in order to grow and it's been enlightening. I highly encourage every woman who is truly seeking a relationship with God to read Heather Lindsey's book!

Now, in this post I want to dive into a topic that is glorified and often people never even scratch the surface and in my prayer, reading, and meditation time this week, I've had some beautiful revelations. (Now, please know I'm just writing lol I have no idea which direction this post will go in so bear with me while I allow Holy Spirit to lead me)

Anyone who is close to me knows I am no stranger to death. I have lost many people in my life, some very close, some not as close but because of this, at a young age I learned how to lean on God and to look at death in a new way. I feel we often forget that Jesus walked this earth as we did and he can relate to us more than any other human can. Jesus actually experienced death, knowing it was coming, going through it himself, and came out of it victorious so who better to talk to then the expert?

And I learned the beauty of life that is in death. You see, the bible talks about dying in two different senses...
1. Death that Jesus experienced by which we are made free 
2.Our personal death to sin and the flesh by which we can live free 

This week I'll discuss the first kind of death because it's the one most people are familiar with. But I feel we often forget what this really means. Romans 6 opens up saying "Since we have died to sin, how can we continue to live in it? Or  have you forgotten that when we were joined with Christ Jesus in baptism, we joined him in his death." We often go through life claiming Christ as our Lord and forgetting he is our Savior...
What do I mean by that?
I mean we often try to carry our own burden, try to change who we are or our situations without his help. Yet that is why he died! So that we wouldn't have to carry our own burdens and go through these times (good or bad) without a Savior! He died and now lives so that we can LIVE. Yet so many of us walk around dead inside. Void of the fruits of the spirit (love, joy, peace, longsuffering, temperance, goodness, faith, meekness, and gentleness) that have been freely given to us for our enjoyment but most importantly, we walk around void of the Holy Spirit.
Today, I studied Romans 8 which is all about the life we have in Christ THROUGH THE HOLY SPIRIT. It really bothers me that so many churches do not teach Holy Spirit when it is clearly all up and throughout the bible. John 14:26 tells us that the Holy Ghost is a gift sent from God for our help! So why do we try to ignore it as if we can pick and choose which parts of the bible are important and which aren't??? But I digress...we can talk more about the Holy Spirit at a later date...

So what I'm saying Christ's death all of the filth and sinful nature that is in us died with him. We don't have to live in constant lamentation of self or feeling anything other than the joy and freedom that come from his glorious resurrection!! In him we are FREED, LOVED, ACCEPTED, and MADE NEW!!! All we have to do is accept his amazing love!!! So I challenge you to each day accept him as your savior and not just your lord! And use the precious gift of the Holy Spirit as our comforter and helper to lead you and guide you throughout the day.
Don't get comfortable, keep pressing!

If you know me you will also know that I LOVE Oraia Speaks and her ministry. She's an anointed, spirit-filled powerhouse of a spoken word artist and in the video below she does two of her pieces. The first one talking about death to self called "Die Hard and Live Free" and the second about Christ's death called "It is Finished." I encourage you to watch and listen, it'll bless you!

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